What You Need To Know About NYC SST Training Deadlines
A huge stir started on the internet over the deadline of SST training courses for supervisors. A few days before December 1 2019, the search systems were being torn from the number of queries related to SST training. Site safety training companies struggled to cope with the number of those who wanted to enroll and to be trained. As a result, a lot of construction supervisors did not have time to meet requirements of the New York City Department of Buildings, mainly to receive 62 hours training course and get Supervisor SST Card. All supervisors at construction sites who did not have time to receive the required amount of training may face consequences and have to pay penalties as high as $5,000.
To avoid such a situation in the future, we advise all workers to prepare carefully for the next NYC SST training deadline and meet all the requirements of the New York City Department of Buildings. By September 01, 2020, all construction workers on jobsites that require a NYC superintendent must complete Site Safety Training (40 hours) to get Full SST Card. It can be done by choosing one of the following options. The first option includes 30 hours of OSHA, 8 hours of Fall Prevention and 2 hours of Drug and Alcohol Awareness training courses. Option 2 consists of 10 hours of OSHA, 8 hours of Fall Prevention, 8 hours Site Safety Manager Refresher, 4 hours of Supported Scaffold, 2 hours of Drug and Alcohol Awareness and 8 hours of General and Special Electives training courses. It’s possible to complete some of your SST training online.
- The OSHA courses teach safety awareness and help workers in recognizing and reducing the risk at the job sites.
- The 8-hour Fall Prevention course will teach to recognize and avoid fall hazards.
- The 8-hour Site Safety Manager Refresher course covers New York City construction safety topics.
- The 2-hour Drug and Alcohol Awareness course trains workers on the dangers of drug and alcohol used at job sites.